Biblical Tours

I have had the privilege of leading a number of study tours of the Biblical lands for a variety of groups. Some of these were sponsored by the Biblical Archaeology Society, others by denominational leaders, churches and organizations, as well as familiarization trips for professors and pastors. Additionally, I have been pleased to offer several study tours of the Holy Lands to my students. These trips have been enriching not only to the participants, but also to me. I have made many friends over the years as a consequence of these trips.

You are invited to join any of these study tours.

Listed below are future trips that I will be leading in the days to come. If you have an interest in joining one of these trips, click on the PDF file that gives a detailed explanation of the trip. You can contact me if you have additional questions.

Further below are group shots of several of these trips from the past.

Future Biblical Study Tours


October 18-28, 2024

With the Apostle Paul from Malta to Rome

Travel with Paul on His Shipwrecked Journey to Rome

After the Apostle Paul’s arrest in Judea, he was sent to Rome for trial (Acts 27-28). The journey was fraught with difficulties, not the least of which was a perilous storm which left the apostle shipwrecked on the island of Malta. We will begin our journey there at Malta, whereupon we will follow Paul’s trek to Rome. 

At Malta Paul met the governor, Publius, and the apostle healed the ruler’s father along with many other people on the island. We visit several archaeological sites and traditional sites connected with Paul’s short stay in Malta. Our journey continues to Rome where we spend several days visiting the Colosseum, the Altar of Peace, Pantheon, the Roman Forum, the Imperial Palace, the Catacombs and much, much more. We have also included visits to Ostia, the port of Rome, Tivoli (Hadrian’s villa), Herculaneum (the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius), Naples, and the Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls, where Paul, the traditional place of Paul’s burial. This tour is loaded with dozens of fantastic sites. For more details check out the PDF brochure below.


May 17 – Jun 1, 2025

The Cradle of Christianity

Explore the origins of the church in Greece and Turkey. All three of Paul’s missionary journeys were centered in ancient Turkey and two of them ended in Greece. Moreover, the apostle John’s ministry was located in Ephesus where he wrote his gospel, three letters and the book of Revelation. Travel by deluxe motorcoach to the ancient cities of Athens, Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, Ephesus, Priene, Hierapolis and Assos. At these sites we will discuss the birth, growth, trials and development of the earliest Christian congregations as they struggled not only to understand their new faith in Christ, but also as they dealt with false teachers and hostile forces opposed to the church. At the end of the first century, John wrote letters to the seven churches of Revelation which were coping with similar problems of false teaching and persecution. Thus, we will also visit the seven churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamon, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. We will include a tour of time–honored Istanbul, where you can enjoy its rich culture, historical sites and impressive archaeological museum.

May 1 – 18, 2025


Tour Instructor: Dr. Mark Fairchild
Tour Host: Dale Benington

Embark on a transformative journey through the sacred lands of Cyprus, Western Turkey, Athens, Corinth, and Rome, tracing the legendary footsteps of the Apostle Paul. Led by esteemed scholar Dr. Mark Fairchild and hosted by Dale Benington, our “In the Footsteps of Paul” tour is a pilgrimage of faith and discovery.

From the ancient city of Paphos to the majestic ruins of Myra, each destination holds profound significance in Christian history. Delve into the spiritual sanctuary of St. Nicholas Island and explore the archaeological wonders of Lydia and Knidos, where the legacy of Paul comes to life.

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of biblical narratives as you wander through Ephesus, Corinth, and Athens, where Paul’s teachings left an indelible mark. Stand on Mars’ Hill, where echoes of Paul’s sermons still resonate, and marvel at the grandeur of the Acropolis, a testament to ancient Greek civilization.

In Rome, walk in the shadows of emperors and saints as you explore the Colosseum, Pompeii, and the Vatican. Experience the awe-inspiring beauty of St. Peter’s Basilica and the Basilica of Paul outside the Walls, where faith transcends time.

Join us on this profound pilgrimage, where each step is a prayer, and every moment is a revelation of divine grace. May your heart be uplifted, your spirit renewed, and your faith strengthened as you follow in the footsteps of Paul, the apostle of love and enlightenment.

October 3-15, 2025

Welcome to an unforgettable spiritual journey: The Nicaea Pilgrimage Tour!
Embark on a remarkable seven-day adventure that will take you on a profound exploration of Christian history and faith. Join us as we delve into the heart of Nicaea, a city deeply rooted in the Christian tradition, where significant events shaped the course of Christianity as we know it today. Here the early Christians assembled to compose the Nicaean Creed, a foundational document for the Christian faith. Our carefully crafted itinerary ensures an immersive experience, combining historical landmarks, insightful lectures, and meaningful interactions. Led by seasoned
theologians and knowledgeable guides, this tour is designed to inspire, enlighten, and deepen your connection to our faith.

Highlights of the Nicaea Pilgrimage Tour:

1. Visit Ancient Churches: Walk in the footsteps of early Christians as we explore the magnificent ancient churches of Istanbul, Nicaea, Phrygia and Cappadocia. From the iconic Hagia Sophia to the awe-inspiring Church of the Holy Apostles, each site holds centuries of devotion and spiritual significance.

2. Attend Lectures by Biblical and Theological Scholars: Engage in thought-provoking discussions and gain profound insights from professors and scholars.
Expand your knowledge and understanding of Christian doctrine as you engage in intellectual conversations.

3. Discover Ecumenical Council Sites: Explore the locations where the historic Ecumenical Councils took place, shaping the early Christian Church. Stand in the
very spots where crucial decisions were made, paving the way for the development of Christian theology.

4. Explore Iconic Landmarks: Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Istanbul, Nicaea and Cappadocia as we venture beyond the religious sites. From the grandeur of ancient city walls to the vibrant local markets, experience the captivating blend of history and everyday life.

5. Forge Lasting Connections: Connect with fellow pilgrims from around the world who share a common passion for their faith. Engage in meaningful conversations, exchange spiritual insights, and create friendships that may last a lifetime.

Join us on this extraordinary journey as we retrace the footsteps of early Christians, unravel the mysteries of Christian history, and deepen our spiritual connection.

The Nicaea Pilgrimage Tour promises to be a life-transforming experience that will leave you with a renewed sense of faith and a deeper understanding of

Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today and embark on this remarkable spiritual odyssey.

Past Biblical Study Tours

2023 June Turkey & Greece Dennis & Patty Nun Pastor’s Tour


2023 May Turkey – Rough Cilicia


2023 May Israel & Egypt Biblical Tour


2022 July Turkey Greece


2022 May Turkey and Greek Islands


2022 March Turkey Tour

2021 Global Smyrna Meeting Group

2019 The Cradle of Christianity 

2019 January – Familiarization Trip to Greece

2018 October – Biblical Archaeology Society Trip to Greece and Turkey

2018 June – Filipino Group Led by Bishop Daniel Balais

2018 January – Huntington University Study Tour to Israel & Jordan

2017 August – BAS Trip to Turkey

2017 June – Filipino Group Led by Bishop Daniel Balais

2016 June – Turkish Tour Guide Association Seminar Tour of Turkey

2016 June – Biblical Archaeology Society Trip to Turkey

2016 March 13-19 – Familiarization Trip to Turkey

2016 March 19-25 – Familiarization Trip to Turkey

2015 October – Huntington University Alumni & Trustee Trip to Israel and Turkey

2015 March – Familiarization Trip to Turkey

2014 January – Huntington University Study Tour to Israel

2013 October – United Brethren in Christ Pastor Trip to Turkey

2013 August – Christian Teachers Workshop

2013 May – Biblical Archaeology Society Trip to Greece and Turkey

2012 January – Huntington University Study Tour to Turkey & Italy

2010 November – International Needs Tour of Turkey

2010 January – Huntington University Study Tour to Israel & Jordan

2009 January – Huntington University Study Tour to Turkey

2008 October – International Needs Tour of Turkey & Greece

2006 January – Huntington University Study Tour to Israel & Egypt

2004 January – Huntington University Study Tour to Turkey